In 1988, graduating as an All-American QB at the University of Central Florida, Coach Slack founded National Football Academies. He has pioneered a new way to serve coaches and athletes through specialized sports training using a biomechanically sound, revolutionary skills system developed over 34 years. Having trained over 40,000 coaches and athletes through NFA and other training clinics, he has positioned himself among the best teachers of QB fundamentals and leadership in the nation.
In the past decade, he’s become a nationally recognized developer of coaches and is consistently among the top ranked speakers in coaching clinics he serves. He’s created the best-selling quarterback training DVD systems on the market and co-authored two books, From Headset to Helmet, and Cracking the Quarterback Code. His training techniques are simple, yet extremely effective at producing successful results for any QB, or QB coach, at any level. (Over 100 new NCAA and NFL QBs produced in the past 4 years) During his time with NFA, he has served as a High school Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator and Athletic Director for many years, in addition to starting two High School Varsity football programs from scratch.
Darin is presently full time with the Academy and travels year round as a motivational speaker, skills coach, and builder of men seeking to make a difference in the lives and futures of youth throughout this country. Darin has great zeal for the game of football, but not at the expense of his wife and five children. Darin knows that he will be defined not by his accomplishments as a QB or a coach; but by his character as an individual, a husband, and a father.